TVS Recruting Rural Students as Trainees CIOSA- NGOs – Chennai - INDIA

TVS group of companies are recruiting permanent trainees for their factories at various locations. They are interested to take people referred through CIOSA- NGOs.
They are also willing to take people from RURAL areas without any working back ground.
The scheduled interview date is on 15th DECEMBER 2012 at Chennai. 
Venue: Delphi- Mannur. Time: 9 AM.
AGE--- 18 to 24 Years.. Qualification- 10th or +2.
All the candidates list should be mailed to  before 13th evening 5pm to issue gate passes and necessary arrangements for interview
For more details pls call:Mr. Senthilkumar- 7305866011 Mr.SrinivasaRaghavan-9500026673

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